Mission statement: Our mission as the garden team of Redmond Elementary is to cultivate a love of gardening and nature in our school community. We aim to create a sustainable, organic garden that provides hands-on learning opportunities for students and inspires healthy eating habits. Through teamwork, education, and stewardship, we will maintain a vibrant and diverse garden that nourishes both our bodies and minds. Our goal is to foster a deeper connection to the natural world and empower students to be active participants in creating a greener, healthier future for our planet.

Upcoming Events: 

Sign up at: http://bit.ly/4chN5SD


Spring 2024



Fall 2023: Welcome new families who have joined the garden club. So, what are we up to this rainy season?

We are excited that our first graders planted daffodils!

We hope to create vertical interest next season, perhaps with a trellis, sunflowers, or both!

We look forward to making signs to welcome visitors. Your help would be very welcome.

We will submit a request for two more raised garden beds.

We are interested in requesting permission to put in a bench or table.


Spring 2024: We will collaborate with the Green Team (at lunch time during school hours) to learn about native plants.

Save the date: Earth Day is Monday April 22nd.

Orientation for summer watering:

◦ Tuesday May 14, 2024

◦ Friday May 16, 2024

◦ Monday June 5, 2024

◦ Wednesday June 7, 2024

We have a worm bin for students to explore.

The Boys and Girls Club will work with us to learn more about gardening. 

We very much welcome your ideas and help as a volunteer as we grow together!

How we started:

Spring 2023: Students from all grade levels planted marigolds, holy basil, sage, verbena, lavender, rosemary, mint, and bamboo in pots. The excitement level was high, and two bugs were discovered in the soil! Bill Prieb and Douglas Rakel did an amazing job putting in the beds right before summer break began. Thank you to both of you!


Summer 2023: We are excited to say there were hummingbirds and other pollinators visiting the school yard that had not before! A few families who parents were part of the PTSA helped water; many thanks to you! Shane and Jason from facilities did a fantastic job watering early mornings.


How can you help?

We’d like your help to create a permanent public display to welcome visitors.

There is a chance we can install a buddy bench (from an approved vendor), with district approval and support from the PTSA. If interested, please let us know!

We’d like student and family input to choose elements for vertical interest.

In the summer, please consider donating several days to water our four small, raised beds. The time commitment would be less than two hours in the morning or late afternoon. The water will be brought to you; it is a matter of hooking up a pump and turning on the hose.

Last, but certainly not least, we would love for you to visit. If you like, please send pictures of your students and family enjoying our garden so we can share them on this page!


To get involved: Please contact Jennifer [email: jennifer.schonberger@gmail.com] so you can keep up on our news and volunteer shifts.

District Approval Site: https://www.lwsd.org/get-involved/volunteering-in-lwsd

Install WhatsApp on your phone to keep up with our news.


Redmond El PTSA logo

Redmond Elementary PTSA Unit Number 2.8.46

Questions or comments?