We love our teachers!

2024 May 6th to 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week.


Show your appreciation for teachers on Monday May 6th with flowers. Students can bring any version of a flower they'd like... a picture, a craft, origami(note:external webpage), picked or potted! Show your appreciation on Friday May 10th with a hand written note from students.

If you'd like to show your appreciation in another way, you may get some ideas in our newly available on line packet of Teacher's Favorite Things!

Volunteer Sign-up

Donation for Teacher & Staff snack & lunch

We also accept direct snack donations and Friday lunch meal donations for teachers and staff!

Snacks will be prepared on Wednesday morning. Lunch will be prepared on Friday morning.

If you want to contribute, please reach me out. community@redmondelptsa.org


Favorite things 


You can get to know our Redmond Elementary teachers by learning a few of their favorite things from the forms below. Each form includes a list of treats, shops, and details that our staff has individually answered to help you get to know them better. 


Redmond El PTSA logo

Redmond Elementary PTSA Unit Number 2.8.46

Questions or comments?